We Stand Together On This Journey

This community goes beyond just professional development; it's about personal growth and the exchange of life experiences.

About us

The Tech-CIO Community: Who we are

Our community brings together leaders from every corner of the world, each with unique cultures, backgrounds, and stories, yet all driven by a shared purpose. Together, we’re crafting a comprehensive digital archive brimming with best practices, insightful articles, engaging podcasts, informative videos, effective strategies, cutting-edge tech solutions, and valuable personal reflections.

Our aim is to uplift one another and nurture the next wave of tech professionals and leaders, encouraging them to embrace life’s possibilities with mindfulness, gratitude, and equilibrium.

Beyond the Code:

Empowering Well-Being and Balance for Technology Leaders

The CIO Whisperer online community is dedicated to supporting technology leaders in living healthy, balanced lives.
We believe that being a great leader is about more than just technical skills. It’s about managing stress, building relationships, and maintaining your own well-being.

Meet the Founder

Christine Moffett

Christine Moffett stands out in the sports,  entertainment and hospitality sectors as a leading figure in global digital transformation, bringing to the table a broad range of expertise in technology, operations, sales, marketing, and business strategy. Her approach is characterized by a mindful, deeply collaborative style of leadership that acts as a catalyst for change.

She has made history as the first woman to hold a technology executive position within both an NHL and an MLB club, setting a precedent for female leadership in these arenas.

At her core, Christine is an entrepreneur driven by a desire to make a meaningful impact in the lives of her colleagues, friends, family, and across various industries. Her journey has seen her create and develop eight companies, reflecting her dedication and entrepreneurial spirit.

With over three decades of experience in technology leadership, coupled with her background as a sports executive, Christine continues to lead the way in advocating for technology, thought leadership, collaboration, and innovation throughout the global sports, entertainment and hospitality industries.

Christine Moffett Executive Business Consultant

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